There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in the CMAA Connecticut Chapter.
Contact an Officer or Director, email a Committee Chair, or just attend some of the great events. It is completely up to you where you would like to offer your time and talents.
We are always searching for new members to be engaged and serve on our committees. Take a look at the descriptions below and contact the committee chair if you are interested in finding out more!
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee is the driving force behind the Chapter’s Annual Awards Dinner program held in the fall of each year. Awards are presented to individuals and projects at the program and we have amazing Keynote Speakers presents during dinner.
Committee responsibilities include securing the venue, soliciting applications from project teams, evaluating and selecting award recipients, hosting the program, and handling all day-of activities.
Communications Committee
The Communication Committee connects the chapter with it members ensuring that all events, initiatives, and opportunities are shared to maximize attendance and the success of each event, initiatives, and opportunities. Communication tools include the chapter’s website, emails, and our future newsletters.
Committee responsibilities include maintaining the chapter website, drafting and sending out the email notifications, and ensuring communication between all the committees in the Connecticut Chapter.
Government Affairs Committee
The Government Affairs Committee works to educate the CMAA CT Chapter membership of the happenings in Hartford. Alerts and articles will be available on the website for all to review to help ensure the members are aware of recent changes, pending bills, and the affects they have on the construction industry in Connecticut.
Committee responsibilities include tracking current legislation in front of the lawmakers and informing the CMAA membership of the affects legislation could have.
Scholarships Committee
The Scholarship Committee presents deserving students with scholarships to put forth toward their schooling in the study of Construction Management. Students from area colleges are invited to submit applications, including Central Connecticut State University, Wentworth, Northeastern, Roger Williams, and Worcester Poly Technical, to name a few. The selected students are honored at the Annual Awards Dinner each fall.
Committee responsibilities include finalizing the application form, soliciting applications from students, reviewing applications, and awarding scholarships to deserving candidates. This committees communicates frequently leading up the Annual Awards Program and while reviewing and deliberating the applications.
Finance Committee
Committee supports collections and payments from event attendees. This committee also prepares financial investment portfolios, should the need arise. Monitors, advises, and adjusts Chapter finances to meet and/or exceed Chapter budgets and expectations.
Programs Committee
The Programs Committee members develop and take lead roles in programs for the chapter. Produces innovative presentations, forums, and social events for the membership and interested parties.
Committee members support the Director of Programs in smooth operations of monthly events, including setup, breakfast, coordinating with speakers, etc. The Board of Directors and committee members support Special Events Committees when possible. Yearly Events: Early January – Membership Holiday Social, First Week of March – Owners' Forum (Typically at the Sheraton in Rockyhill), June – Golf Outing (Typically at Gilette Ridge in Bloomfeild), Late Summer – Yard Goats, Second week of November – Annual Awards (Typically at Aquaturf).
Membership Committee
Committee members perform outreach within their company and others to drive membership numbers. Promotes and tracks membership activities.
Golf Committee
Assist the Programs Director in planning and execution of action items.